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Good start of the Season

Good start of the Season

lorenzo martelli28 Mar 2017 - 11:21

a first match WON ! Good start of the season but we need to continue working in humble way. Training presence is needed!

Under a very difficult weather, @2:00 p.m. Sharp, the squad was at the meeting point, ready to enter into the mood for a very difficult match.
25 Spartans were called.
and 25 Spartans replied PRESENT!
This match was the occasion to caliber the hard work requested by the Coaches and the physical trainers to our young players. This period has been very hard to combine studies and rugby. on the top of it, Stade U 18 is contributing heavily and massively to the Austrian National Team U18.
Our guys were ready to play against their colleagues from Donau Rugby Club and were under a huge pressure. However, after 12 mn the front row defence of Donau was hit by massive Eric which transpierced the defence lines and tried the first 5 points.
Our kids put in place a drifted defence and playing under pressure. at the end of the 1st half , the end of the match was quiet sure. This was than the occasion to try the younger U16 in key positions.
Donau was as usual a strong team with a very good pack and responded well to the situations.
The final score was 66-7 for Stade. Thanks to all, to Donau players, to the referees and to Donau logistic. We could enjoy a nice 3rd time all together Donau and Stade players and trainers and supporters and this is Rugby!

All the Spartans played very well and responded positively to their coaches CALL!

WE ARE PROUD OF YOU GUYS! Continue like this, Combine Studies and hard training!

your coaches
Amr and Lorenzo

Further reading